About Me

Hey Y’all,

My name is Chrissy. I am a dreamer, a believer in God the almighty, a farmhouse loving, country girl born and raised in New York and now live in Virginia with the love of my life. My Fiancé name is Charles and we have a four-legged fur child named Benelli.

I am not good with telling people about myself because I am pretty much a private person and I’m not so great with words lol

So here goes:

I started this blog, because I decided to make a change in my life. I want to share the incredible love I have for people, my family, my fiancé and my community. We all have bumps and bruises along our journeys that God has given us, but he makes us stronger as we live his will. I am starting this whole new journey in life, one I prayed for for a very very long time, and I want you to come along for the ride.

I went through a big change at the end of my senior year in college, 5 years ago, and for a long time I didn’t think I would find myself again. Low and behold, it took a lot of prayers, therapy, inspiration and a new careeer to get me back on my feet. As much as I want to tell y’all what happen, it’s personal, so I’ll leave it at that.

Anyways, we all go through tough times, therefore I want y’all to know I am here for you. I work with all kinds of people on a daily basis, and I am there for them when they don’t even know it. I believe in the power of prayer, if you don’t thats okay, I don’t judge. There is a lot of hatred in the world, but there is also a lot of good...good human beings that support you and are there for you through it all. We are all in this life together, so let’s make it great!

I’m going to take you along for the ride. In the next 2 years I will be moving, hopefully into our dream home, (if not that’s okay, I’ll survive, I think), getting married to my best friend and enjoying our adventure as a family.

So what do y’all say, you wanna join this journey with me?! I promise not to be so serious in all my posts.

- Soon to be Mrs. McKenna


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